

9521 Uppsatser om Swedish swap spread - Sida 1 av 635

Den svenska swapspreadens förklaringsfaktorer : en empirisk analys

This paper presents empirical evidence on the determinants of interest rate swap spreads in Sweden during the period 1999-2003. The results suggest that the spread between STIBOR and the general collateral repo rate is positively related to shorter maturity swap spreads. The risk premium associated with commercial bonds is positively related to swap spreads of all maturities. A negative relationship is observed between the term structure of interest rates and swap spreads. The short-term interest rate is positively related to spreads with shorter maturities.

Evaluation of Capital Structure Arbitrage in the Equity-Credit Markets

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to test for the existence of Capital Structure Arbitrage oppertunities in the equity-credit markets. Methodology: The mispricing of Credit Default Swap contracts are calculated and used as input in an Equity-Credit market trading strategy. The returns are then evaluated with a modified Value-at-Risk simulation. Theoretical perspectives: A Merton-based structural model, CreditGrades, is used for credit pricing and a mispricing-convergence trading-strategy between the credit and equity markets is implemented. Empirical foundation: Daily quotes for the Credit Default Swap spread of 37 European firms were collected for a period of two years, as well as equity-prices for the same period and the previous two years, used for model calibration.

The relationship between CDS spreads and bond spreads ? an empirical comparison

Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka sambandet mellan CDS spreaden och bond spreaden, samt att jämföra dessa över tid. Detta genomförs genom att testa för ett kointegrationssamband samt Granger-kausalitet mellan CDS spreaden och bond spreaden för varje enhet som ingår i urvalet, och för olika perioder. Också deskriptiv statistik används. Metod: Kvantitativ metod: Augmented Dickey-Fuller test, KPSS, Engle-Granger test, Johansen-test, Granger kausalitet Teoretiska perspektiv: Prissättningsmodeller för kreditrisk. Arbitragesamband.

Man måste ställa upp : Hylluppställning på svenska högskole- och specialbibliotek som klassificerar i DDC

The aim of this master's thesis is to examine how shelving is organized among Swedish libraries that have switched from the Swedish classification system SAB to using the DDC, and what problems arise in this process. The method used is interviewing librarians at Swedish university and special libraries.The Swedish national library announced their swap to the DDC in 2008, and several libraries followed suit. The reported advantages with a switch were mainly that using an international classification system meant that Swedish libraries would no longer have to undertake a time consuming classification work, since most of the foreign literature already is Dewey classified. Disadvantages were that the DDC is not adapted to Swedish circumstances. Research on open shelving show that obtaining a browsable book collection requires a broad shelf classification.

A Study of a Swap of Information Systems in an Organisation

Denna studie är en fallstudie som behandlar telekomföretaget Relacoms arbete med att gå från ett affärssystem till ett annat. Vi har med hjälp av intervjuer och flera enkätundersökningar bland personal samt diskussion med företagets ledning erhållit relevant fakta. Den planering och de processer som företaget använts sig av har dokumenterats och analyserat med hjälp av teorier hämtade från diverse akademiska skrifter inom området. Vi avslutar vår studie med en slutsats där vi presenterar vårt resultat samt en rekommendation till Relacom som behandlar fortsättningen av övergångsarbetet. Vårt resultat av Relacoms tillvägagångssätt vid byte av affärssystem är att ledningen skötte sig väl, men vissa kommunikationsbrister uppstod..

Pricing Credit Default Index Swaptions A numerical evaluation of pricing models

This study examines the background and nature of the credit default index swaption (CDIS) and presentsrelevant methods for modelling credit risk. A CDIS is a credit derivative contract that gives the buyerright to enter into a credit default index swap (CDS index) contract at a given point in time. ACDS index, in turn, is a multi-name credit default swap (CDS). Within the eld of research, thisthesis identi es the CDIS pricing models presented by Jackson (2005), Rutkowski & Armstrong (2009)and Morini & Brigo (2011) as the most recognized and developed. These models are evaluated byreconstruction in a numerical software environment.

Osäkerheter vid brandteknisk dimensionering av ventilationssystem

This masters thesis deals with smoke spread via ventilation systems. One aim of the thesis is to investigate and explain the differences in efforts to prevent smoke spread via ventilation systems in different countries. A second aim of this thesis is to investigate how frequently occurring smoke spread via ventilation systems in Swedish buildings are. A third aim is to investigate how uncertainties in input variables to smoke spread calculations will affect the result of calculation. To be able to do this the most important input variables are identified and analysed.

Hydroakustisk kommunikation med bandspridningsteknik

This thesis investigates techniques for stealth hydroacoustic communication using spread spectrum. The Swedish naval defense organisations have a vision that all their units should be able to communicate with each other, even between underwater vehicles. But the properties of water makes it a complex channel to use for wireless communications. Radiomagnetic waves have very limited range in water, therefore acoustic waves are used. In this report the basics of wireless communication systems are described including source coding, channel coding, modulation techniques as well as different techniques for spread spectrum.

Påverkan på TED- spread under den nuvarande finansiella krisen

The purpose of this essay is to test for significance between TED- spread and four different macrovariables, housing prices, Federal funds rate, Asset Backes Securities and mortgage volume. Multiple regression has been used to search for significance between the dependent and the four independent variables. Our data consist of quarterly reports from January 1998 to June 2008. Our conclusion is that all of the four variables show a significant relation with TED- spread. The model explains 76 percent of the variation in TED- spread..

Företagsobligationers yield spread

Syftet med uppsatsen är att skapa en modell som kan förklara yield spread hos företagsobligationer. För att få en modell som nära återspeglar verkligheten inkluderas både företagsspecifika och makroekonomiska faktorer. Vi utgår från en kvantitativ studie och tillämpat en multipel regression på paneldata innehållande 24 bolag för att förklara yield spread hos företagsobligationer. Den teoretiska referensramen består av forskningsartiklar från främst USA men även Europa som behandlar riskkomponenter hos yield spread. Empirin är kvartalsvis redovisnings- och handelsdata under tidsperioden 2001-2005 som samlas in från finansiella databaser och behandlas med regressioner.

Släpslangspridning av gödsel, kan det löna sig? :

I have chosen to work with drag hose system and try to find an alternative to spread manure with a usually tank system, see if you can make a profit and what advantage and disadvantage the system has. The purpose whith the project has been to try to make a system that can spread manure at better occasions than farmers do today and above everything make a financial addition. Today it is just a heavy work and takes a lot of time. I have counted on investment costs and carefully examined what equipment you need. I have not the technical details in my project, I have just tried to understand how it is to spread manure with drag hose system today. What is drag hose system? You put a hose in your manuretank, connect it to a pump that is driven by a traktor or stationary engine. You place a hose that reach the field were you are going to spread.

Undersökning av Informationssystem i småföretag : En studie av hur Växjös små företag är nöjda med sina Informationssystem

In todays sociaty the use of information systems is wide spread and many corporations and buisnesses both in large and small spread make use of more advanced and sopisticated systems. Larger corporations have their own IT sections that maintain and updates their systems on a daily basis. They have the money and resources for it by how do the small businesses coop with it. How satisfied are the small businesses that are maybe runing on systems that might not be supplying the needs that the business is in need of. In this paper we investigate this question in the form of a questionnaire.

Modellering av dagvettenavrinning - Mousetrap

This paper deals with the use of Internet at Swedish public libraries. The author asks whether public libraries should or should not limit access to information available on the Internet. Starting from the American discussion, concerning Internet at public libraries, the author shows the Swedish attitudes. The paper demonstrates that many Swedish public libraries have adopted rules forbidding retrieval of certain kinds of information, such as hard-core pornography and racist propaganda. The persons in charge of such actions claim that public libraries should provide high-quality educational literature and should not spread mass-produced, provocative information.

Kommunal avfallsplanering i storstaden San Salvador, El Salvador

This paper deals with the use of Internet at Swedish public libraries. The author asks whether public libraries should or should not limit access to information available on the Internet. Starting from the American discussion, concerning Internet at public libraries, the author shows the Swedish attitudes. The paper demonstrates that many Swedish public libraries have adopted rules forbidding retrieval of certain kinds of information, such as hard-core pornography and racist propaganda. The persons in charge of such actions claim that public libraries should provide high-quality educational literature and should not spread mass-produced, provocative information.

Swapspreadens förklaringsfaktorer i Sverige

Problemformulering: Swapspreaden undersöks i flertalet studier, i bland annat USA, Japan och Australien. Dessa studier påvisar åtskilliga förklaringar till swapspreaden, men de olika empiriska studierna, baserade på olika marknader, finner inte samma förklaringar. Vi ställer oss därför frågan om samma förklaringsfaktorer finns till den svenska swapspreaden. Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka huruvida de förklarings-faktorer som påvisats i tidigare, utländska studier även förklarar swapspreaden i Sverige. Metod: Vår studie är av kvantitativ karaktär med ett hypotetiskt-deduktivt angreppssätt.

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